Friday, March 30, 2012

softball season

When you have kids your seasons change a little. We are officially one week into softball season (and two weeks into turkey season). We are playing in Batesville, MS this weekend. Wish us luck!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Training Wheels be gone...and other random developments....

Well, Wednesday of last week I arrived home from work greeted by an eager seven year old. She was just dying to show me how she could ride a bike without training wheels! So we walked outside, her Mother gave her a little shove and she was on her way pedaling for a good 50 feet without incident. Then she stopped and dismounted in a non-verbal "TA DA!!!" She was beaming ear to ear.

On Thursday the youngest member of our crew went back to training. After heartworm treament and a blistering summer little Pearl is in high gear getting ready for duck season! Now, I just hope I'm ready when it gets here.

Saturday was the start of the girls cheerleading for the fall, I will be posting pics shortly, but it was adorable even if Janna "was gonna pass out from the heat." Well, off to finish Honey-Dos before the girl's softball practice this afternoon. Maybe, I'll get to tune my bow....

Monday, September 5, 2011

We must be the worst bloggers in the world...

or at least the least active! Anyway, the "Chicks" started Second grade a couple of weeks ago, and they are having a blast. Well, except for the homework! They had to do a "Mini Me" board last week. The board was supposed to showcase what they looked like as infants, toddlers, and now in addition to what they thought they would look like as a teenager, a young adult, an adult and as an elderly person. For the latter categories the girls were allowed to use any photo they could find that showed what they thought they would look like at those times of their life. Needless to say there were many female family members used in making the board. But, the most telling moment was when Janna wanted to use a swimsuit model from Shape magazine for her teenage years...needless to say we found a bit more modest photo to use.

On another note, Melissa is teaching 10th Grade Special Education Inclusion classes and loving it. She is cautiously optimistic about moving to administration next year, but is taking one year at a time. As for me, my practice grows every week. I am blessed for that, but at the same time it places a huge demand on my time and also cuts into my family/leisure time. But, the Labor Day weekend could not have come at a better time.

As far as leisure time goes, the girls are playing on a traveling softball team this fall and they are cheerleading. So we have a practice four evenings a week, and we will have to cheer for the Saturday games starting next weekend. At the girls' request Melissa agreed to help coach their softball team and she has resigned her position on the High School team. As for me, when I'm not working or watching the girls do something I'm trying to get ready for hunting season (big shock I know). Dove season started this weekend and Tommy and I were graciously invited on a great traditional dove hunt complete with some of the absolute best barbecue ribs and pulled pork you can imagine. A big thanks to the Carter family for putting it on.

Well, it is overcast and windy now, and Janna needs help cleaning her room, so I'd better go. Melissa and I will attempt to blog more in the next year (I think I said that in my last post). But, I mean it this time.... Anyway, please forward this to any family members who might be interested, maybe more readers will help pressure us into it.



Monday, January 17, 2011

Holiday Update

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's has flown by. I hope that all our friends and family enjoyed their holidays. We are half way through January and have already had a big snow. Two snow days, to be exact. Gordon and our new puppy, Pearl, have been hunting all season long. Pearl has already made over 100 retrieves this year. Janna and Julia are anxiously awaiting their birthday. They will be seven on Feb. 10th. Wow, how time flies. In December I completed the master's program for Ed. Leadership at Ole Miss. Now the high school softball season starts. We might have finally sold our house in Jackson. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything falls into place and we can close by the middle of February.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Tooth Fairy Part II

Well, it's been a few days since Julia lost her first two teeth. Now Janna is getting a visit from the tooth fairy as we speak; her first visit ever! The squeals of joy when I picked her up from her Nana’s tonight were enough to tell me it was a red letter day in the Shaw household once again! A mere two days before she started first grade she has now acquired a much prized gap in her lower teeth. I hear rumor that the tooth fairy will bring her a brand-new shiny gold dollar. Here's a pic of my precious child and her newest dental extraction!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Here is a picture of the girls at the end of the year party for their softball team.

Today is a good day! I broke down and paid the extra fee to find out my scores to the SLLA test early, and I passed. I have been worried about this test since before I took it. I couldn't wait any longer to find out my results. YAY ME!

On another note the girls have been having a great summer. They just got back from spending time at Gammy and P-Paws. They have a beautiful tan that I'm jealous of.

Gordon turned 35 yesterday. One of his presents was getting his girls back from his parents. It's amazing how two little girls can make a grown man so weak.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The start of summer!

Well, summer has officially been here for about 27 days now. In these 27 days a lot has already happened. First, mom and dad finally found a home and moved into it. I think they are really going to like it. However, there are still some projects they are working on. They do have a pool and that is going to be a major plus since the temperature is already getting in the 100's. Second, Janna and Julia have finished kindergarten and are moving on to 1st grade next year. Where does time go? They did really well this year and are even reading well above their grade level. The finished their first season of coach pitch softball with a lot of wins and very little injuries. My babies did really well considering how hot these games were. Next, I took the SLLA about a week ago. This test is the test that the state of Mississippi requires for someone to become an administrator. I hope that I passed and I will not have to take it again. If so, once I graduate in December with my masters in Ed. Leadership and have this test under my belt I will be one step closer to being an administrator. Finally, I have just recently had shoulder surgery. Getting older and playing softball for so many years has finally paid a toll on my body. The surgery went well. The Dr. just removed some soft tissue and filed down a bone to give me more room to move. The pain is tolerable, but can be uncomfortable. I have had the best nurse that and one could ask for...Gordon. I thank him for helping me through this time. Even though I get fussed out for trying to do things around the house.

Well that sums up the past 27 days. Please pray that we continue to have a safe summer.